In a hard competitive world like today, it is very essential that both male and female of families have to come forward in the income generating way in order to bring the life well to do and the major weapon of income is training. An efficient person can appoint himself in earning anywhere in the world. It is essential to make the underprivileged people trained and skilled to make them solvent financially. Understanding this reality, VASHA Foundation designed the ‘Training for Skill Development (TSD)’ action plan. The organization has design this project to train 9600 underprivileged women and 9600 unemployed youth successively. Although it is very difficult to fulfill the target because of financial lagging, yet we hope that the organization will probe it successful by the technical and financial aid of the members, government and nongovernment, donor individuals and agencies of home and abroad.
There is a profile containing details of ‘Training for Skill Development (TSD)’ project where information about the aim, target, relevance, beneficiary, financial budget, time duration etc. is available. I hope that the project will be successful certainly with heartily involvement of the authority, government, other development agencies and international organization. I am proud to get chance in a great service like ‘Training for Skill Development (TSD)’ project and hereby taking an opportunity to serve the society.
Parimal Kanti Paul
Chief Executive Officer & General Secretary
VASHA Foundation
Pahartali, Chittagong
The title of the Program is ‘Training for Skill Development (TSD)’. It is formulated for empowerment the underprivileged girls and women of the target area by making them Skilled and Financial solvent through the activities of capacity building and basic education. The profile will give a clear idea about the project. It have been made an effort to give a précis about the organization and then about the project. The project objectives, time duration, methodology, budget, details of activities, characteristics of target area etc. is represented here sequentially. It is expected that every concern will be able to get a transparent idea about the project. It is requested not to hesitate for any query about any part of the profile or the project. Please communicate the Chief Executive Officer of the organization if any confusion arises or for further information.
Description of the Program
Title of the Program : Training for Skill Development (TSD).
Location of the Program : Chittagong District, Bangladesh.
Elements of the Program :
I) Basic Education.
II) Garments & Dress Making Training.
III) Microcredit Distribution (Loan Distribution).
Starting Date :
Period: Continuing.
Number of Direct Beneficiaries: 4800 People.(160 Group@30people)
Themes: Underprivileged girls and women empowerment, Capacity building, Basic Education, Skill and Financial solvency.
Objectives of the Program :
The main objective of the project is ‘To develop capacity of the poor and ultra poor slum dweller girls and women between the ages of 14 to 45 years of the locality (the city of Chittagong, Bangladesh) so that they can be able to earn and hence remove poverty among their family.’
Other relative objectives of the project are as follows:
I. To organize and give training on ‘dress making’ to 4800 slum dweller girls and women aged 14-45 years of the locality to make them skilled so that they can be eligible for entrance in the local or foreign job market .
II. To organize and give basic informal education to 4800 slum dweller illiterate girls and women aged 14-45 years of the locality to make them literate so that they can be able to read at least Bengali (local language) newspaper and be able to adopt the training on dress making.
III. To organize and conduct activities on capacity buildings for 4800 slum dweller girls and women aged 14-45 years of the locality to empower them in their family and society.
IV. To organize and conduct activities on capacity buildings for 4800 slum dweller girls and women aged 14-45 years of the locality to make them self dependence and increase their dignity hereby.
Goal of the Program :
The overall goal of the program is to alleviate poverty among slum dweller girls and women.
The long-term goal of the program is to bring financial freedom among slum dweller girls and women aged 14-45 years so that they are empowered in their family and the society.
The development goal of the project is to enhance income of the young members of the slum dweller poor and ultra poor families and thus making the families financially solvent.
Target Location: Chittagong District Area, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Characteristics of the Target Area:
I. The place, where else poor, ultra-poor and underprivileged people live in.
II. Slum.
III. The place, where else government’s or other Non-Government Organization’s activities are not enough.
IV. The place, where else people do not get minimum facility for living.
Reason of selecting the area:
Although poor and ultra poor people live throughout the whole Bangladesh, from the very beginning VASHA Foundation initiated it’s activities from Chittagong district initially. The main reason is that the organization is situated in this district. Considering this fact, it will be convenient to run any activities in Chittagong. On the other hand, Chittagong is the main port city and the Commercial Capital of Bangladesh. Employment opportunity in Chittagong is more than that in any other city of Bangladesh. It is expected that the beneficiaries who would have finished training successfully, could be appointed in income generating activities.
The project is formulated for developing capacity of poor and ultra-poor girls and women of age 14-45 years who live in slum area of the city of Chittagong, Bangladesh. The actions will be implemented through some specific steps.
In the first step, field survey will be carried on, data will be collected about how many slums in the locality exist, how many girls and women of age 14-45 years are illiterate and unemployed in these slums. Total 160 groups containing 30 girls and women of age 14-45 years will be built in different slums. The activities of preparation of modules for basic informal education and training on dress making and workforce appointment will the done in this step. It will take one month and be said as preparation step.
The selected girls and women will be given basic informal education so that they can be able to read at least Bengali (local language) newspaper that will help them to adopt in training on dress making. It will take three months.
Then training on dress making will be conducted in the next seven months. The training will be carried on following a specific syllabus and schedule.
Micro credit will be offered or machineries will be purchased and distributed to the beneficiaries who would have completed training success fully for starting small business. A mentioned beneficiary would take load or machines of same price for her business. If she takes machines the price will be considered as microloan. It will take one month.
The beneficiaries who would have taken loan will be kept in close supervision and they will be provided all technical support for running their business and they will return installments against their microloan in weekly or monthly basis as per the rules of Bangladesh Microcredit Regulatory Authority for next one year.
Totally, the project will be continued for two years. During the continuing period, monthly monitoring and evaluation on performance and advancement will be con on regular basis.
After finishing the training successfully’ the beneficiaries will be able to work in local dress making organization, be self employed or to go to abroad for work.
The steps for each group ( A group will be consisted with 30 people) will be as follows:
- Preparation- 01 (One) Month.
- Basic Education- 03(Three) Month; 180 hours; 60 classes@3 hours for every group.
- Training- 07 (Seven) Month; 360 hours, 120 classes@3 hours for every group.
- Microcredit/Microloan Distribution (Machinery Purchase & Distribution)-01(One) Month
- Regulation & Loan Recovery – 12 (Twelve) Month.

I. Preparation:
If the project proposal is accepted and grant is approved, overall preparation will be taken in this step. Field Survey, area selection, group building, preparation of module of basic informal education and training, appointment of workforce, venue hiring, tools, machinery, other equipments purchase, booklets collection or printing will be carried on in this step. Total 160 group will be built and each group will be consisted of 30 girls or/and women aged 14-45 years. There will have total 160 centers for 160 groups in different places.
II. Basic Education:
Basic informal education of 180 hours (60 classes@3 hours for every group) will be given to illiterate girls & woman who do not know how to read in this step. After this step, they will be able to read at least Bengali (local language) newspaper. It will take three months and be performed within the period. There will have 160 centers for 160 groups. The schedule of class in center will be in convenience time. Classes will held in every government working day. Duration of every class will be 3.0 hours (three hours). Total 60 Classes will hold. Teacher (Basic Education) will take the classes.
III. Training:
Theoretical and practical training of 360 hours (360 hours, 120 classes@3 hours for every group) will be given to the target people in this step on Dress making, Garments, Block-Boutiques and Embroidery. Specific syllabus and schedule will be followed for training. It will take (07) seven months completely and be performed within the period.
IV. Microcredit/Microloan Distribution (Machinery Purchase & Distribution):
Microcredit /Microloan will be distributed among the beneficiaries who would have completed training successfully for starting small business or the organization will provide relative machines and tools for start their small business; in this case the actual price of machines and tools will be considered as loan. Microcredit will be distributed as per the rules of Bangladesh Microcredit Regulatory Authority. It will take (01) one month completely and be performed within the period.
V. Regulation & Loan Recovery:
The beneficiaries who would have taken loan will be kept in close supervision and will be provided all technical support for running their business and they will return installments against their microloan in weekly or monthly basis as per the rules of Bangladesh Microcredit Regulatory Authority.
Target Group:
I. Poor and Ultra poor Girl and Woman of age 14-45 years
II. Underprivileged
III. Illiterate/Less literate
IV. Retrenched Garments Worker
V. Less Skilled Garments Worker
VI. Slum Dweller
Profile of Beneficiaries:
Number Of beneficiaries: 4800 person of target group (Total 160 groups; Total 160 centers; A group or a center will be consisted with 30 people).
Age Group: 14-45 years.
Gender: Female.
Living status: Slum dweller, poor and ultra poor.
Educational Qualification: Illiterate/Less literate.
Living City: Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Religion: Any.
Nationality: Bangladeshi.
Employment Status: Unemployed/Housewife/ Retrenched Garments Worker/ Less Skilled Garments Worker.
Marital Status: Single/Married.
Management: There will have a management team for proper implementation, monitoring and result evaluation of the project. It is shown by the following flow chart:
Executive Committee :
The executive committee of VASHA Foundation will be considered as the executive committee of the project. The service of the executive committee will be considered voluntary and non-payable.
The Chairman of the organization will act as the chairman of the project. He will be responsible to the executive committee.
Executive Director:
The Chief Executive Officer of VASHA Foundation will act as the Executive Director of the project. He will regulate all the activities of the project and will be responsible to the Chairman for his/her activities.
Project Director:
A project Director will be appointed by the Chairman who will be the Executive Chief of the project. He will report and be responsible to the Executive Director. His office will be the in the Head Office of the organization.
Co-Ordinator (Basic Education & Training):
They will design, supervise, monitor, manage Basic Education and and Training Courses. They will operate the respective offecers and staffs and will be responsible to the Project Director. Their office will be the in the Head Office of the organization.
Manager (Accounts & Adminstartion):
He will manage all the activities related to accounts and administration and responsible to the Project Director. His office will be the in the Head Office of the organization.
Monitoring Team:
There will have a monitoring team that will monitor the activities of the project running well or not, percentage of success and will report to the chairman in a regular interval basis. The team will be consisted of two or more than two members. They will be appointed by chairman from the General Body of the organization and/or from the Executive Committee of the organization and/or from any other Government/Non-Government organization and or representative of relevant donor agency. The team will visit the centers time to time and will write comment on progress of activities to the relevant book. It will also send report to the concern offices.
Accounts officers, Supervisor, Field officers etc. will perform their activities assigned by their reporting officers as per the conditions of appointment.
Work force:
Sl. | Particulars | No. work of force | Office | Status |
1 | Executive Director | 01 | Head Office | Allowance Basis |
2 | Project Director | 01 | Do | Full time Sallried |
3 | Manager (Accounts & Adminstartion) | 01 | Do | Do |
4 | Co-Ordinator (Basic Education) | 01 | Do | Do |
5 | Co-Ordinator (Training) | 01 | Do | Do |
6 | Field Supervisor | 01 | Do | Do |
7 | Data Processor | 01 | Do | Do |
8 | Teacher (Basic Education) | 160 | Center | Part time Sallaried |
9 | Trainer | 160 | Do | Do |
10 | Field Officer (Micro Credit) | 16 | Head Office | Full time Sallaried |
11 | Officer (Accounts) | 01 | Do | Do |
12 | Office Asssitant | 01 | Do | Do |
160 | Center | Part Time Sallaried | ||
13 | Driver | 01 | —– | Full Time Sallaried |
14 | Volunteer | 160 | Center | Voluntary, Non-Sallaried |
Expected Impact After Completion of the Program :
After completion of the project, it is expected that the following outcomes/impact will be seen:
1) 4800 slum dweller girls and women aged 14-45 years beneficiaries will be skill in dress making and will be eligible to be self employed or to be appointed in dress making organization.
2) 4800 slum dweller girls and women aged 14-45 years illiterate beneficiaries will get literacy and be able to read at least Bengali (local language) newspaper.
3) The slum dweller families of 4800 slum dweller girls and women will be able to enhance income and hence be financially solvent.
4) Robbery, stealing and crime will be reduced in the project area.
5) Being skill the trainee may go to abroad being employed.
6) The poor family will not think themselves deprived and thus they will not be eager to join with terrorism.
How the outcomes will be evaluated: The outcomes will be calculated as follows:
Outputs will be evaluated as follows:
1) Examination, monitoring and evaluation will prove the beneficiaries successful or not in basic informal education and dress making training.
2) Monthly income (before and after) of the participant’s family will be recorded while surveying.
3) Interview will be taken from the participant beneficiaries about their position in the family by questionnaire method while monitoring and evaluating.
How the Program target disadvantaged:
The target group of the project is underprivileged Girl and Woman of age 14-45 years who live in slum area. They are people of poor, ultra poor and disadvantaged families. Most of them are illiterate and don’t have minimum facilities that need for survival. It is difficult for their families to earn enough for shelter and food of two times daily. ‘Voluntary Activities for Social and Human Advancement (VASHA) Foundation’ wants to build their capacity through the project so that they can enhance their income to gain financial solvency and be empowered hereby.
Monitoring and evaluation:
Monthly monitoring and evaluation on performance will be carried on. Total 3360 reports will be prepared and represented for 160 groups for 21 months. A monitoring and evaluation team will carry on this job. It will be performed from the second month to last month of starting the project monthly basis.
Specific Output of the activities
Specifically following output will be seen after implementing the activities:
1(a). A report describing present situation of local slums has been prepared.
1(b). 160 Groups of 30 slum dweller illiterate girls and young females for basic informal education and training on dress making have been formed.
1(c). Admission form will be prepared & printed 5000 copies.
1(d). Module for basic education & training has been prepared.
1(e). Booklets for education and training have bought/printed 5000 & 5000 copies respectively.
1(f). 100 – 160 people have been appointed as teacher & dress making trainer.
2. 160 pieces floor mats, 160 pieces shelf for keeping training materials, 160 pieces writing board for 160 sites have been purchased.
3. 4800 slum dweller poor & illiterate girls and women aged 14-45 years have successfully completed basic informal education of 180 hours and have achieved capacity to read at least Bengali (local Language) newspaper.
4. 4800 slum dweller poor girls and women aged 14-45 years have successfully completed training of 360 hours on dress making, have been skill in dress making and achieved capacity to earn for their family.
5. Monthly monitoring and evaluation on performance and expected project outputs have been successfully organized. Total 160X21 = 3360 reports on performance have been represented.
Outputs will be evaluated as follows:
1) Reports of monitoring and evaluation will be collected and studied methodically.
2) Name, address and details information of admitted beneficiary will be collected and stored in the office.
3) Module and booklets will be collected from concerned people distributed to the beneficiaries keeping a record.
4) CV of appointed people will be reserved in the office.
5) Monthly progress will be evaluated and submitted as report by monitoring and evaluation team for individual group that will provide information about performance of the actions on ‘basic informal education’ and ‘dress making training’. 3360 reports on performance will be evaluated and stored in the office.
Risks of the action and minimizing risks
The project may face following risks:
1) Risk: Our target group is female of age 14-45 years of poor and ultra poor underprivileged family. Most of the members of such family are uneducated. They may have wrong cultural and religious beliefs. They try to hide their young aged daughter in houses. In some cases they may not allow their daughter, wife to come out from the house ant get the opportunity.
Overcome: Our volunteers and employee will counsel the people of such family.
2) Risk: Some beneficiaries of our target age group may get marriage before finishing the training and droop out may occur.
Overcome: We will counsel them to continue the training.
3) Risk: Irregular Absence, break of attendance, droops out may occur from beneficiaries’ side.
Overcome: Counseling, presenting the importance of the training may prevent such risk.
4) Risk: Experienced and skilled trainer may not be available for appointment.
Overcome: Formal and informal publicity will be done for appointment.
5) Risk: Distributed loan may not recover properly. There is a possibility of loan loss.
Overcome: The organization has 9(nine) years practical experience on Microcredit project that would help to run loan activities properly and hence reduce loan loss provision.
6) Risk: The beneficiaries who will start small business may fail to run their business profitably due to lack of experience on business. Thus they may loss their capital.
Overcome: Closed supervision with them will be kept and required technical support will be given by the organization so that they run business smoothly.
Innovativeness of the Program
Such a project is very rare in our country. This project is designed in such a way that the beneficiaries who don’t like to come out from their house, need not to come out , we will give them training reaching to their house door. Our volunteer and employee will go to their house and build up a group with female of similar mentality so that the beneficiaries need not to go out from their local boundary.
On the other hand, without literacy no training will be effective. In our country, most of the female are illiterate but no effective action like this project is seen for them. This project will be helpful to empower the illiterate female in the family and in the society equally. This will reduce violence to woman in their families, the society and the state.
The training will be practical oriented that will help the participant to be skill in dress making.
From overall point of the, the project carries new idea, effective actions and is suitable for the socioeconomic condition of the country.
The project is designed in such a way that the organization will provide loan and technical support to the beneficiaries who will have taken training for establishing small business. Thus, they have opportunity for apply the knowledge training in income generating sector.
After being the project finished, we will have fixed assets, like machinery, tools etc. that will be used for continuing the training.
Using the remaining fixed asset (residual after the project) we might offer similar training to solvent interested people who will get training in paying basis. Thus a reasonable income will come. This income will be utilized for further continuation of the project/ similar types of projects.
We will offer jobs to the beneficiaries in our office. If they agree to join, we will then go for production. Produced dresses will be sold in local market. Thus we will earn a mentionable amount.
We have micro credit project that is being continuously run. We will offer the trained beneficiaries to take more micro credit loan to run business in large volume.
Thus getting income from such mentioned sector the project may run further successfully.
Alleviate poverty among slum dweller girls and young females.
- 4800 poor/ultra-poor girls and women aged 14-45 years beneficiaries will be skilled in dress making and will be eligible to be self-employed or to be appointed in a dress making organization.
2. 4800 poor/ultra poor girls and women aged 14-45 years illiterate beneficiaries will get literacy and be able to read at least Bengali (local language) newspaper.
3. The poor/ultra poor families of 4800 girls and women will be able to enhance income and hence be financially solvent.
4. 4800 poor/ultra poor girls and women will get loan for opening small business or will get machineries to open business and will be able to earn and empowered in the family and the society thereby.
5. The poor/ultra poor families of 4800 girls and women will be able to enhance income and hence be financially solvent.
6. 4800 poor/ultra poor girls and women will get loan for opening small business or will get machineries to open business and will be able to earn and empowered in the family and the society thereby.
- Field Survey, area selection and group building, Preparation of module of basic informal education and training and workforce appointment.
2 .Basic informal education.
3. Training on Dress Making.
4. Microcredit/Microloan Distribution and Recovery.
5. Monitoring and evaluation.
6. Purchasing Essential Equipment.
1. A report describing present situation of local slums, poor/ultra poor people has been prepared (2). 160 Groups of 30 poor/ultra poor girls and woman aged 14-45 years for basic informal education and training on dress making have been formed (3). Admission form will be prepared & printed 5000 copies. (4). Module for basic education & training has been prepared (5). Booklets for education and training have bought/printed 5000 & 5000 copies respectively. (6). 50-400 people have been appointed as Project Director, Manager, Coordinator, Officer, Data Processor, Teacher, Trainer, Office Assistant, Driver.
2. 4800 poor/ultra poor girls and woman aged 14-45 years have successfully completed basic informal education of 180 hours and have achieved capacity to read at least Bengali (local Language) newspaper.
3. 4800 poor/ultra poor girls and woman aged 14-45 years have successfully completed training of 360 hours on dress making, have been skill in dress making and achieved capacity to earn for their family.
4. Approximately 4800 poor/ultra poor girls and women aged 14-45 years have got loan for opening small business or have got machineries to open business. Then thus have started business or been self employed. The distributed loan is recovered successfully.
5. Monthly monitoring and evaluation on performance and expected project outputs have been successfully organized. Total 160X21 = 3360 reports have been represented.
6. 2 Motor Cycles, 1 Microbus, 183 Pairs of Tables & Chair, 480 pieces floor mats, 160 pieces shelf for keeping training materials, 160 pieces white writing board, 2 piece Computer, 160 pieces Sewing Machine, 160 Hand Tools Box for 160 sites have been purchased. 160 rooms are rented for running activities.
- 1st Month of starting the project
2. 2nd to 4th Month of starting the project.
3. 5th to 11th Month of starting the project.
4. 12th to 24th Month of starting the project.
5. 2nd to 24th of starting the project.
6. 1st Month of starting the project.
1. Girls and young females may not be willing to provide information and participate in the action.
2. Experienced and skilled trainer may not be available for appointment.
3. It may not be possible to complete all the activities of the preparation step within one month only.
4. Girls and women who are selected may not be sincere, timely and regular participation in education
5. Participants may drop out of the program.
6. Girls and young females who are selected may not be sincere, timely and regular participation in training.
7. Participants may drop out of the program7. The loan recipient may not be able to utilize the loan properly; they may misuse the money of the loan.
8. The beneficiaries who will start small business may fail to run their business profitably due to a lack of experience in business. Thus they may loss their capital.
9. Distributed loan may not recover properly. There is a possibility of loan loss.
10. Participants may not be able to provide correct information for proper monitoring and evaluation.
TSD Information: As on 30th June, 2018
Present Status: On going.
Number of Trainee members enrolled: 10781
Geographical Coverage: Chattogram District
Yearly Information:
FY | Trainee Member Enrolled | Loan Recipients under the program |
2005-2006 | 22 | — |
2006-2007 | 258 | 15 |
2007-2008 | 295 | 65 |
2008-2009 | 325 | 175 |
2009-2010 | 382 | 238 |
2010-2011 | 797 | 387 |
2011-2012 | 901 | 410 |
2012-2013 | 964 | 495 |
2013-2014 | 1012 | 525 |
2014-2015 | 1189 | 587 |
2015-2016 | 1368 | 639 |
2016-2017 | 1586 | 697 |
2017-2018 | 1682 | 733 |
Total | 10781 | 4966 |
Coverage area:
* Ward # 01, Union # 10, Vatiari, Sitakundu, Chattogram.
* Ward # 02, Union # 10, Fouzdarhat, Uttar Solimpur, Sitakundu, Chattogram.
* Ward # 03, Union # 10, Foujdarhat Jelabari, Uttar Solimpur, Sitakundu, Chattogram.
* Ward # 06, Union # 10, Moddom Solimpur, Sitakundu, Chattogram.
* Ward # 08, Union # 10, Latifpur, Sitakundu, Chattogram.
* Ward # 09, Union # 10, Latifpur, Sitakundu, Chattogram.
* Ward # 10, Union # 10, Uttar Kattoli, Moddom Solimpur, Sitakundu, Chattogram.
* Ward # 07, Union # 07, Kumira, Sitakundu, Chattogram.
* Ward # 04, Union # 07, Kumira, Sitakundu, Chattogram.
* Ward # 05, Union # 07, Kumira, Sitakundu, Chattogram.
* Ward # 07, Union # 08, Kumira, Sitakundu, Chattogram.
* Ward # 09, Khulsi, Chattogram City Corporation, Chattogram.
* Ward # 10, Uttar Kattoli, Chattogram City Corporation, Chattogram.
* Ward #11, Pahartali, Chattogram City Corporation, Chattogram.
* Ward #12, Pahartali, Chattogram City Corporation, Chattogram.
* Ward #26, Halishohor, Chattogram City Corporation, Chattogram.
Name of the course: Dress Making, Tailoring, Embroidery, Block Making and Boutiques.
Course objective: To provide income generation opportunities through Dress Making, Tailoring, Embroidery, Block Making and Boutiques
Skills to low educated Girls and women.
Note: The course is divided into two parts:
a) Theoretical Training
b) Practical Training
a) Syllabus of theoretical training: Based on the syllabus of practical training on Dress Making, Tailoring, Embroidery, Block Making and Boutiques.
Approximated duration: 120 hours, 40 classes@3 hours
Tropic No. | Particulars |
01. | Introduction to the trade. |
02. | Understand the importance of Dress Making, Tailoring, Embroidery, Block Making and Boutiques. |
03. | Concept on income opportunities available in the market. |
04. | Concept on fields of Dress Making, Tailoring, Embroidery, Block Making and Boutiques. |
05. | Concept on materials, tools and equipment for Dress Making, Tailoring, Embroidery, Block Making and Boutiques. |
06. | Concept on types of sewing, embroidery and boutiques machines and tools. |
07. | Concept on common technical terms used in Dress Making, Tailoring, Embroidery, Block Making and Boutiques. |
08. | Precautions while Dress Making, Tailoring, Embroidery, Block Making and Boutiques. |
09. | Concept on alteration and fitting. |
10. | Know the different types of fabrics and their application. |
11. | Concept on basic maintenance and repair of sewing machines. |
12. | Concept on different types of garments. |
13. | Basic business skills. |
- Syllabus of the practical training:
Approximated duration: 240 hours, 80 classes@3 hours
Tropic No. | Particulars | Duration |
01. | Show skill in identifying and understanding Materials, tool sets and their application and equipment for Dress Making, Tailoring, Embroidery, Block Making and Boutiques. | 6 hours. |
02. | Measuring, drafting, cutting, sewing, embroidering and blocking tools and equipments. | 6 hours. |
03. | Show skill in Measuring, drafting, cutting and sewing. | 6 hours |
04. | Show skill in identifying the different types of fabrics and their application. | 6 hours |
05. | Show skill in understanding the basic parts of a sewing and embroidery machine. | 6 hours |
06. | Show skill in being able to operate a sewing and embroidery machine. | 24 hours |
07. | Show skill in being able to do routine checkup and overhauling of foot and hand operated machines. | 6 hours |
08. | Show skill in identifying common defects and rectify them | 6 hours |
09. | Show skill in replacing parts which commonly wear out. | 6 hours |
10. | Show skill in simple procedure of basic maintenance and common faultfinding and repair. | 6 hours |
11. | Study the technical terms used in Dress Making, Tailoring, Embroidery, Block Making and Boutiques. | 9 hours |
12. | Show skill in drafting, paper pattern making. | 6 hours |
13. | Show skill in knowing about methods of measurement | 6 hours |
14. | Show skill in knowing methods of cutting and stitching | 6 hours |
15. | Practice cutting of cloth as per pattern with precautions | 6 hours |
16. | Show skill in Make drafting and paper pattern correctly as per given measurement. | 6 hours |
Tropic No. | Particulars | Duration |
17. | Demonstrate paper pattern, cutting and stitching of selected garment as per desired standard | 9 hours |
18 | Show skill in basic Embroidery practice | 9 hours |
19 | Show skill in basic Block making practice | 9 hours |
20 | Show skill in basic Boutiques practice | 9 hours |
21 | Show skill in making of children’s wear. | 9 hours |
22 | Show skill in making of ladies wear. | 9 hours |
23 | Show skill in making of gent’s wear. | 9 hours |
24 | Show skill in making shirt with and without sleeves. | 9 hours |
25 | Show skill in making Baby frocks, baby-suits. | 9 hours |
26 | Show skill in making Scarf. | 9 hours |
27 | Show skill in making Salwar-kamiz, chudidar. | 9 hours |
28 | Show skill in making skirts, tops, blouses, and petticoat. | 9 hours |
29 | Show skill in ironing wears. | 3 hours |
30 | Show skill in doing alteration of readymade wear. | 6 hours |
31 | Develop basic skills to manage own shop. | 3 hours |
32 | Understand basic competences required to start small shop. | 3 hours |
33 | Understand the methods of quality management. | 3 hours |